St. Clair College

FedDev Ontario: Improving Skills & Knowledge

Region: Windsor

[Veronique Mandal – Professor and Coordinator, Journalism Program, St. Clair College speaking to the camera].

St. Clair College’s Journalism program had become very old and tired, and we realized that we had to redevelop our program so that we could bring it into the 21st century, and so we created a newsplex. It’s a multimedia journalism school, the first in Canada and the third in the world.

The most important thing that the Media Plex is doing is creating the most skilled, young journalist that will fan out across the world, and show what their skills are.

[Switch to Lynn McGeachy Schultz – Director of College Promotions, Thames Campus, St. Clair College, speaking to the camera].

The outcome based on FedDev’s support for Media Plex at St. Clair College is three-fold. One, it’s about creating students with highly employable skills that will enter the workforce.

It’s about jobs [pause], we’ve created about 250 short term jobs, and the potential for spinout into the years following.

And lastly it’s about economic development. It’s about ensuring that Windsor continues to grow and thrive.

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