Regional Quantum Initiative: 2. Eligibility

2. Eligibility

Eligible applicants are:

Small- and medium-sized businesses, including start-ups, located in southern Ontario that are commercializing or adopting quantum technologies or quantum-based solutions.

To be considered eligible for funding, companies must:

  • be an incorporated, registered business at the time of application
  • have an Intellectual Property (IP) strategy, and either own the project IP, have a licence to the IP rights from a Canadian licensor, or have secured the rights to IP required for the project, and where applicable, must not infringe on any IP rights
  • secure a minimum of 50% funding towards the eligible project costs

In addition to the mandatory eligibility criteria, priority consideration may be given to companies that have:

  • demonstrated positive market traction, for example, through sales of their products or services and/or
  • received support from the quantum ecosystem, for example, investment from an accredited angel or venture capital investor or participated in a Canadian business accelerator, incubator, a government program, or a similar initiative

Eligible activities:

Funding will support projects that involve a range of activities to demonstrate, commercialize and scale-up Canadian-made quantum technologies, solutions and companies.

Examples of activities that the Regional Quantum Initiative will support in southern Ontario:

Technology demonstration geared towards market diversification and growth

Including piloting and demonstration of quantum technologies in an operational setting, and advancement of their technical sophistication to bring them to the market.


Including market diagnostics, development, and expansion, supply chain integration, and other activities aimed at bringing new quantum technologies to the market in the near term.

Business development and capacity building

Including growing, high-performing teams, adopting best management practices, improving processes and systems, business opportunity development, and improving governance or investment readiness.

Acquiring, adapting or adopting quantum technologies

Priority may be given to firms in life sciences, defence, FinTech or advanced manufacturing sectors adopting or adapting quantum technologies that are:

  • first-in-the sector, Ontario, Canada or the world
  • made or developed in southern Ontario or elsewhere in Canada

Preference may be given to projects that also contribute to at least one of the following Government of Canada priorities:

  • Clean economic growth through clean growth outcomes, the development and adoption of clean technologies, and through the promotion of green clusters and jobs.
  • Diversity, equity and inclusion through an increase in the participation of traditionally underrepresented groups in southern Ontario.

Potential areas of quantum technology for your project include:

  • Quantum computers - A type of computer that harnesses the behaviour of microscopic elements the size of atoms to perform calculations.
  • Quantum software - The operating system and algorithms that run on a quantum computer.
  • Quantum sensors - Devices that perform measurements with high sensitivity and accuracy for defence, transport, and natural resources applications.
  • Quantum communications - Networks that take advantage of the laws of physics to protect data involving algorithms, encryption, cybersecurity and industry standards.
  • Quantum materials - Materials with unusual magnetic and electrical properties that, if understood and controlled, could enable energy-efficient electrical systems, better batteries, and the construction of new types of electronic devices.